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的生日祝福卡 – 问候的最佳集合庆祝活动

的生日祝福卡 – 问候的最佳集合庆祝活动1.0

  • 分类:生活
  • 大小:26.15MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.0
  • 时间:2022-04-12 02:08:26
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Branislav Ristivojevic

应用软件Tags: 活动祝福生日

Express your feelings and wishes to your dearest people with unique and new Birthday Wishes Card Maker – The Best eCards Collection of Greeting.S for Happy B.day! Choose among many beautiful designs and show your special someone that you think about them on their special day. Celebrate with colorful balloons, delicious cakes and cute animals wishing all the best to the birthday boy or girl!

Birthday Wishes Card Maker app features:

- Great collections of greeting birthday cards.
- Suitable for both adults' and children's birthdays.
- Beautiful cards with images of cakes, balloons, clowns, and many more.
- Select a photo from the gallery and start making a card!
- Place a birthday message and easily customize your eCards.
- Choose the font and color of the letters.
- Save to the SD card or photo gallery.
- Send and share the cards via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, e-mail, or messengers.

Send the perfect eCard for happy bday!

Everyone will absolutely adore these cute greeting cards, children and adults, boys and girls! Express your birthday wishes with this unique birthday app for iPhone. Instead of bringing the flowers, balloons and the cake, just download this sweet Birthday Wishes Card Maker right now and share The Best eCards Collection of Greeting.S for Happy B.day with your friends.

Wish all the best to a birthday boy or a girl!

Send your friends high quality images of colorful balloons and flowers, splash glitter all over it and celebrate the fact that they are a year older! It will be a great present and you will make someone's day with amazing Birthday Card Maker!
的生日祝福卡 – 问候的最佳集合庆祝活动 V1.0更新日志:
Apple 已更新此 App 以显示 Apple Watch App 图标。

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的生日祝福卡 – 问候的最佳集合庆祝活动

的生日祝福卡 – 问候的最佳集合庆祝活动 Android下载

的生日祝福卡 – 问候的最佳集合庆祝活动 mac下载


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