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最佳相框 & 贴纸

最佳相框 & 贴纸2.1

  • 分类:生活
  • 大小:140.5MB
  • 语言:AR, CA, CS, DA, NL, EN, FI, FR, DE, EL, HE, HU, ID, IT, JA, KO, MS, NB, PL, PT, RO, RU, ZH, SK, ES, SV, TH, ZH, TR, UK, VI
  • 版本:2.1
  • 时间:2022-04-14 07:32:26
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://hqappsfactory.weebly.com/
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Nick Vickers

应用软件Tags: 最佳贴纸

This app will make you decorate your favourite photos using our frames, stickers and background eraser. Make your own Best postcards with a personal memo. U can use - I love You note - among our stickers and you will surprise and make your love ones happy. Combine it with special love frame with hearts and you will transform your photo from ordinary to original.

There are a lot of great stickers like butterfly, flowers, dolphin, birds, which you can apply on your photos from the gallery or photos taken directly from the camera.

*Make your photos special and vintage with this Best Photo Frames app!

Try this sweet coloured borders with hearts, flowers, stars, ladybug, specially made for you and your friends. Erase you background, put it in one of our frames, apply stickers and make your photos unique!

* Select one of the photos from your gallery or take a new one!
* Choose some stickers and apply them on your pictures!
* Put your creation into frame from the gallery!
* Save and share your original designs with your friends on social networks like Facebook,
Instagram or Twiter!

Be creative with this adorable corners and stickers. This is the Best chance for make someone's day both special and great! You can download it for both iPad and iPhone for FREE! Give it a try!
最佳相框 & 贴纸 V2.1更新日志:
- Bug Fixes

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最佳相框 & 贴纸

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