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Halal Dining Club

Halal Dining Club1.8

  • 分类:生活
  • 大小:71.62MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.8
  • 时间:2022-01-22 18:19:57
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.salamplanet.com
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:The Social Media Company


Halal Dining Club - Find a restaurant, get loyalty rewards.

Discover great halal dining options verified by us in one easy to use app. Whether you are craving a juicy steak or want somewhere for a special occasion, you can find it all. We have added rewards and loyalty so now halal dining can be truly rewarding.

We recognise there are a wide range of halal options out there from fully certified to those that provide partially halal menus. With our halal filters you can easily narrow down the search to suit your preferences.


- Find restaurants near you at a click of a button
- Discover collections in other cities you are planning to visit
- Create your own collections and favourites list
- Easily book the restaurant at a click of a button - no more waiting for the phone to be answered
- Easy maps and hail an Uber to take you there
- Post your reviews and read others
- Earn loyalty rewards and cashback from selected restaurants
- Earn charity points for sharing your reviews or making an online booking - choose a cause to support so together we can help alleviate food and water poverty

Please allow location services in app to let us help you find great dining spots near you.

Follow us on:
Instagram: halaldining_
Facebook: halaldiningclub
Halal Dining Club V1.8更新日志:
This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

- Enabling user notifications so that you don't miss any key notifications from your network.
- General bug fixes and performance improvements.

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