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Healthy Desserts - by Green Kitchen

Healthy Desserts - by Green Kitchen2.2.1

  • 分类:生活
  • 大小:158.37MB
  • 语言:EN, JA
  • 版本:2.2.1
  • 时间:2022-01-30 01:58:04
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://greenkitchenapps.com
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Amazing Applications AB


Healthy Desserts is an inspiring source of organic and tasty desserts for each and every sweet tooth out there. The recipes are filled with natural sweeteners, healthy fats, whole grains and fresh fruit that will tickle your taste buds. Enjoy and be delighted by creative recipes with drop dead gorgeous photos in full Retina and detailed, easy to follow, instructions.

• Selected as Beautiful Cookbooks for the “Best of App Store 2013” • Reached #1 in Food & Drink category in 50+ countries • Only natural sweeteners, healthy fats, whole grains and fruits •

Regardless if you aim to eat healthier or just want to spice up your menu of desserts for the weekend – Healthy Desserts is the perfect companion in your kitchen or while looking for inspiration on the go.

"The mouthwatering photos do a great job of convincing you that these healthier options are still a delicious choice over something worse for you" – iMore


New in Healthy Desserts 2.0 

- Complete redesign of the app 
- New inspiring recipe list that takes you even closer to the recipes 
- New practical index view with all recipes grouped by category 
- A new, better structured, about view 
- Print recipes over AirPrint 
- Share recipes over AirDrop 
- iPad: Redesigned cooking experience with larger font 
- iPad: Instructions and ingredients can now scroll independently from each other
- iPhone: Fullscreen recipe photos



→ A good variety of cookies, bars, muffins and smoothies.

→ 66 handpicked premium recipes.
→ A seamless switch from US to metric units.
→ Save your favorites so you can return to them quickly.
→ Several stunning photos for each recipe!
→ Shopping list: Just email or SMS the ingredients to your iPhone!

→ Share or brag about your cookery on Facebook and Twitter!
→ Share recipes with friends and family over AirDrop.
→ Print recipes over AirPrint.
→ Estimated cooking time for each recipe.
→ All recipes are marked if they are vegan, raw, gluten free, naturally sweetened or whole grain.
→ Step by step cooking instructions, tap on a step to mark it as completed.
→ Universal app - run it on both your iPhone and your iPad
→ Stunning Retina graphics!

Please help spreading the word and review the app in App Store!

"It feels great to just sit back and browse through so much awesomeness right in the palm of your hands. Healthy Dessert also sports one of the most delicious app icons I've come across" – Beautiful Pixels
Healthy Desserts - by Green Kitchen V2.2.1更新日志:
This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

- Fixes an issue with recipes in the Cookies & Nibbles category

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本站网友:邪恶冷月1在2018-02-27 21:25:58回复:Healthy Desserts - by Green Kitchen,什么鬼
本站网友:愿上帝保佑美国也保佑中国老百姓在2018-01-31 10:13:14回复:莫名其妙,为什么没有中文?捆绑一个却是英文版,对支持美国的中国公民来说不公平,我是支持美国的中国公民!
本站网友:il领奖的人在2017-06-07 19:36:17回复:为什么没有中文?,用翻译软件也不好使,有很多都看不懂。
本站网友:新裤子与法兰绒在2017-05-05 01:28:12回复:希望有中文版,生活品质瞬间上升了不知道多少个等级
本站网友:悠兰心空在2017-02-10 09:58:23回复:作用很大,花了钱下载不了,骗钱的
本站网友:英文看不懂退钱!在2016-11-28 06:56:44回复:花了钱下载不了,骗钱的!,英文看不懂,退钱!
本站网友:多特瑞星哥哥在2016-06-02 00:41:27回复:英文看不懂,退钱!,超级棒的应用,学到了很多。
本站网友:Hermosa Jacqueline在2016-03-07 18:53:18回复:超级棒的应用,学到了很多。,What the bloody hell is going on that I bought a bundle but it turns out only the green one is available.
本站网友:宅.宅猫在2015-06-23 05:42:31回复:I cant download the red one!!,内容还行!


Healthy Desserts - by Green Kitchen

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