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HelpMeOrder - Dish Reviews

HelpMeOrder - Dish Reviews4.5

  • 分类:生活
  • 大小:34.87MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:4.5
  • 时间:2022-02-01 11:22:02
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://www.helpmeorder.com/
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:harpLabs Inc.


Help Me Order is your guide to finding, ordering and bragging about the best food. Use the social feed to see plate recommendations from friends and local food enthusiasts. Like or comment on these posts, or add them to your list of plates you just gotta try next. Use the convenient restaurant finder and plate rating system to ensure you have a great meal, every time.

HelpMeOrder Features:
● An interactive social feed that allows you to connect to friends and local foodies to trade plate recommendations
● Plates tab that allows you to scan through the best rated dishes in your city
● Restaurants tab that lists all of the eateries nearby and their most popular dishes
● The option to change your location to explore dishes in other cities or even countries
● A "Gotta Try" list to keep track of all of the dishes that you need to try next

Become the best food critic in town by naming your favorite dish at each restaurant you visit. You can only choose one so choose wisely! If you are the first to name a dish as your favorite, you have discovered a hidden gem. Increase your hidden gem score by finding as many new and exciting dishes as you can.

How is HelpMeOrder different? HelpMeOrder is different from other food review apps because instead of providing ratings on overall restaurants, HelpMeOrder is focused on one thing, the food. Each rating found on HelpMeOrder is based solely on the dish itself, so no matter where you're eating you will have a great experience.
HelpMeOrder - Dish Reviews V4.5更新日志:
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