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HOPP - Sip Scan Earn

HOPP - Sip Scan Earn2.0.18

  • 分类:生活
  • 大小:76.42MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:2.0.18
  • 时间:2022-02-08 22:29:56
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://hoppthru.com
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Hoppthru


We’re HOPP.  

A brand new app that rewards you for something you're already doing: enjoying local beer, wine, & cocktails. Sip on your favorite drinks, scan the HOPP QR codes, & earn local rewards.

Listen. Charlotte’s our city. We know where to drink, what to drink when you get there, and how to navigate these 704 streets safely and efficiently. Now, you do too with our curated stop-by-stop routes and interactive map.

Logistics and planning are a major buzzkill which is why we put our heads together to create a single place where you can plan a fun day with friends, try new HOPP spots, and support local businesses who need us now more than ever.

Here's to Local Rewards for Local Pours.

HOPP - Sip Scan Earn V2.0.18更新日志:
Version 2.0 of the app with many new improvements and features:
- Enhanced Search experience with new filters
- Updated Map to be and more interactive and easier to use
- Added new achievements system
- Changed in-app currency from individual scan counts to a points based system
- Updated rewards system from the milestone system to more of a store to spend in-app currency
- Overall Design Changes

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