HourEats is the most convenient way to stay updated on the closing/opening times of your favorite restaurants.
Have you ever gone to Chick-fil-a on a Sunday, or went to your favorite restaurant only to find it closed? HourEats strives to solve these issues by providing you with easily accessible updates on the status of your favorite restaurants. With a single tap of your finger, you can view a list composed of your chosen restaurants and their current status so that you never have to memorize or look up a closing time again.
- Create an organized list of all the restaurants that you enjoy
- Create and Save multiple lists
- Automatically have the status of the restaurants refreshed whenever the app is opened
- Edit your lists easily and quickly
- Search through your lists to find specific restaurants/places within the displayed list
- Search on a map powered by Google to find your preferred restaurants near you
- Easily add your chosen restaurant from the map to your list with a single button tap
HourEats V2.0.2更新日志:
App Information Update!