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HungryUS - Food Delivery

HungryUS - Food Delivery4.0.7

  • 分类:生活
  • 大小:231.71MB
  • 语言:EN, ZH
  • 版本:4.0.7
  • 时间:2022-02-16 01:12:26
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.hungry-us.com
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Yaling Li


Hungry provides FREE lunch and dinner delivery services to specific locations in San Diego, Irvine and Los Angeles. We also provide catering services to local businesses.

Hungry has delivered more than 120,000 orders to local universities, offices, and communities around South California area. More than 60 local restaurants have joined Hungry as partners, and that number is growing rapidly every day.

Place your lunch order on our App between 2 p.m. (previous day) to 10:45 a.m. to enjoy free lunch delivery.

Lunch Delivery Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.

Place your dinner order on our App between 8 p.m. (previous day) to 4:45 p.m. to enjoy free dinner delivery.

Dinner Delivery Time: 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Why Hungry?

- No delivery fee; No service fee; No tipping required
- Offer more than 1,000 dishes from over 60 local restaurants
- Can combine dishes from multiple restaurants in one order
- Satisfaction guaranteed
HungryUS - Food Delivery V4.0.7更新日志:
1. We made improvements and squashed bugs.

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本站网友:寒山松之间在2020-06-27 18:13:00回复:HungryUS - Food Delivery,海外能吃到外卖,终于与中国接轨了lol
本站网友:三只小柠檬在2020-01-20 01:31:04回复:非常好,点外卖太方便了,相比其他送餐app,好得简直没话讲了~能拼单,免运费,按时送到,虽然不能点全菜单,但作为食堂来用,足以解决一日两餐重大问题了!
本站网友:sheixnx在2019-11-09 11:58:01回复:不能要求更多了,uber eat你买18美元的东西 最后结算可能是28,用这个你买18美元的东西结算可能才20刀,免去了很多的运费订单费各种费,但可惜的是种类太少,并且要在指定时间内订餐 过了这段时间只能定明天的了
本站网友:Alex_pan在2019-10-28 11:45:00回复:免费配送 但种类少,取餐只有10分钟 超时了送餐员随便放在显眼的地方 餐最后被偷了 也不退款重送 不会再用
本站网友:odjdjxhdh在2018-09-07 19:41:57回复:不要删评价 个人经历,Its pretty genius that they are able to deliver it for free. I just hope they have more burger place. That will be pretty sweet!
本站网友:山姆大叔57936在2018-09-07 19:21:37回复:Free Delivery,Its pretty genius that they are able to deliver it for free. I just hope they have more burger place. That will be pretty sweet!
本站网友:在回复:Free Delivery,


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