

当前位置:首页 - 苹果应用 - 生活 - Achieve! 梦想旅行 目标管理, 时间管理, 任务管理 GTD Tracker Motivapps & Motivation Quotes! Wallpaper.s 墙纸-图片 跟踪软件 实现1.0
Achieve! 梦想旅行 目标管理, 时间管理, 任务管理 GTD Tracker Motivapps & Motivation Quotes! Wallpaper.s 墙纸-图片 跟踪软件 实现

Achieve! 梦想旅行 目标管理, 时间管理, 任务管理 GTD Tracker Motivapps & Motivation Quotes! Wallpaper.s 墙纸-图片 跟踪软件 实现1.0

  • 分类:生活
  • 大小:34.36MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.0
  • 时间:2022-03-19 03:36:28
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Teerawut Sanprom

应用软件Tags: 时间管理任务管理图片

The Best of Goal Setting & Tracking with a pleasing design and combine the to-do list function. Help you maximize to starts achieving your dream with countdown widget to reminder your goal, important event and everything that you want.

Start Achieving Your Dreams Today!!
Free - Download Achieve now

◉ Easy to learn and use in the iOS.
◉ Customizable Nice inspirational background for each event (background in app)​
◉ Supports countdown to events and counting up once they arrive.
◉ Seven default categories in your life. (Event, Healthy, Finance, Jobs, Relationship, Spiritual, Holiday)
◉ Voice memos to record your purpose and speech
◉ Set your favorite or important goal as cover
◉ Ability to sort events by time
◉ Customizable position show for each event
◉ Share your target to your friend on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and via emails or text messages.
◉ Share or save your goal into a device and cloud service.
◉ Dont miss important goal by Today widget extension
◉ Choose your own picture background to becoming the person you want to be with best photo editor tools.
◉ Customize background can zoom-in, zoom-out
◉ Can change text color
◉ Notifications remind event.

If you have any question or need some help please contract us at

Thank you for everyone whos downloaded and support.
Achieve! 梦想旅行 目标管理, 时间管理, 任务管理 GTD Tracker Motivapps & Motivation Quotes! Wallpaper.s 墙纸-图片 跟踪软件 实现 V1.0更新日志:
Apple 已更新此 App 以显示 Apple Watch App 图标。

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Achieve! 梦想旅行 目标管理, 时间管理, 任务管理 GTD Tracker Motivapps & Motivation Quotes! Wallpaper.s 墙纸-图片 跟踪软件 实现

Achieve! 梦想旅行 目标管理, 时间管理, 任务管理 GTD Tracker Motivapps & Motivation Quotes! Wallpaper.s 墙纸-图片 跟踪软件 实现 Android下载

Achieve! 梦想旅行 目标管理, 时间管理, 任务管理 GTD Tracker Motivapps & Motivation Quotes! Wallpaper.s 墙纸-图片 跟踪软件 实现 mac下载


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