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Air Quality Index –   空气质量 和 污染测定

Air Quality Index – 空气质量 和 污染测定3.2



对空气质量和污染进行测定,关于pm2.5的实时监测,的为您的生活出行做出最新的建议, 基本资料与数据来源于不同权威机构.

Air Quality Index delivers air quality and pollution data directly to your iPhone and iPad, complemented with a forecast for both weather and pollution. Apple Watch owners can access localized air pollution data directly on their wrist, while details can also be checked on the big screen of the Apple TV.

Air Quality Index covers more data than any competing app including readings for ozone, CO, SO2, NO2 and of course PM10 / PM25.

▶▶ Air Quality Index has been featured on iTunes for 389 times all around the world!

Air Quality Index Top Features:

Air Quality Index is tracking air quality data of measuring stations from all around the world, and unlike competitors these data are detailed and include a forecast.
- When there’s a station online, we display its data.
- When any new data are published, they are updated on your device – no matter if it is an iPhone, iPad, Apple TV or Apple Watch.

Depending on the availability of nearby located measuring stations following air pollution data are displayed:
• PM2.5
• PM10
• O3 (ozone)
• NO2 (nitrogen dioxide)
• SO2 (sulfur dioxide)
• CO (carbon monoxide)

Weather data are available on the same screen as well and include temperature, pressure, wind, humidity and more.

• A forecast for all weather and pollution data is available, color coding for air pollution data reveals possible health risks immediately.

A simple list with statistics is one thing, Air Quality Index provides you with more than that! A map of the world allows you to pin point exactly where specific air quality data have been taken. This is especially helpful on the big screen of the Apple TV.

Of course, if you are interested in data from a specific location, you can type the name in the search box or browse through the list.

▶ No other app collects a comparable amount of air quality data from as many different locations throughout the world like Air Quality Index does!

Air pollution is a real threat. Being up to date is the first step to protect yourself!
Air Quality Index is the tool of choice for this purpose!

▸ Air Quality Index is collecting, sorting and displaying data from places from all over the world. It is possible that certain measurement stations are temporarily out of order or delayed with transmission of relevant data. Pilcrow AG is not related to any of the data providers and therefore can not be held responsible for missing or inaccurate informations.
However, we strive to deliver information as accurate and complete as possible! We do not alter any values or data before bringing them to your device, what you see is what we get!
Air Quality Index – 空气质量 和 污染测定 V3.2更新日志:
Apple 已更新此 App 以显示 Apple Watch App 图标。

3.2 Thank you for using Air Quality Index. We installed a new Server -faster and more secure enjoy

3.1.2 Thank you for using Air Quality Index. This update is for stability improvements.

3.1.1 Bug-fix for Apple Watch

3.1.0 Thank you for using Air Quality Index. This update comes with mayor changes and improvements, including:
- Added direct settings in the app
- Temperature and windspeed supports now both US and European standard

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本站网友:噪音大123456在2019-11-23 21:51:43回复:Air Quality Index – 空气质量 和 污染测定,退款
本站网友:Gulangming在2018-03-27 17:37:53回复:骗子,我下载了一个付了费,怎么打不开啊?
本站网友:Luooly在2017-01-04 17:58:04回复:打不开,早知道先看评论了!钱都花了
本站网友:Ethan85420226在2016-12-21 06:45:47回复:闪退啊!!!,根本打不开,闪退!还是收费软件!做的不好,坐等修复更新
本站网友:就是看不爽!在2016-11-21 15:44:48回复:闪退,闪退
本站网友:yvwooo在2014-03-02 15:04:33回复:总是闪退,What a waste of money and efforts! Worst app ever!
本站网友:Beijing kite在2014-02-25 03:14:45回复:Cant even open the app,付了钱根本打不开。靠,片子
本站网友:Sonny pong在2014-02-04 01:13:27回复:骗钱软件,Will not recommend - I paid & it kept on crashing - was not able to use even once. I wrote to their support team but no response after a week now - use other apps
本站网友:flyinweb在2014-02-02 19:00:27回复:It kept on crashing,求退款,垃圾
本站网友:啊啊啊啊啊啊啊额额额额额额在2014-01-17 07:16:12回复:根本打不开,介绍说有美国的天气质量,其实没有图片显示只有颜色,没有具体数值列表显示就更脑残了,只能通过城市名称搜索,可悲的是搜索也很弱,几个中国的城市名夹杂在一堆像是日本的不知名的城市列表里,只有一部分名称有中文翻译,偏还都是繁体,你让我们大陆用户还专门为你装个繁体输入法啊?好吧,你那么亲日,为啥搜个东京都搜不到呢?到底闹哪样?整个列表看起来就是一堆乱码,简直不知所云,真不知道这么残废的软件怎么通过审核了的,真想找itunes退钱后面的人不要上当了
本站网友:牧馬人在2013-12-27 02:45:51回复:残废软件,如题。
本站网友:Steven1976在2013-12-25 23:07:05回复:很难打开!,如题,数据每天都一样,根本不更新,手动刷新也没用。
本站网友:fangming.chai在2013-10-16 02:29:17回复:骗子软件,如题


Air Quality Index – 空气质量 和 污染测定

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