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GAR for Tangible Earth 2019

GAR for Tangible Earth 20194.0

  • 分类:天气
  • 大小:161.78MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:4.0
  • 时间:2022-01-26 09:46:07
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:LNSOFT

应用软件Tags: BLAR9

GfT (GAR for Tangible Earth) 2019 is a fully interactive free application on disaster risk reduction provided by UNISDR. Disaster data and statistics from throughout the scientific community is brought together in an easy-to-compare or "mash-up" format by the interface and scenario-building innovations from the Tangible Earth platform developed by ELP (Earth Literacy Program).

Main Features

* Major disasters
Review the historical records of significant disasters (Cyclones, Floods, Earthquake, etc) around the world.

* Risk Atlas
Grasp the global landscape of disaster risks, visualised on an intuitive and dynamic 3D globe. Risks are quantitatively comparable beyond regions and type of hazards.

* Case studies
Study all risk driver & good practice stories from the GAR (Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction) by genre (climate change, economic vulnerability, governance capacity, etc).

* Earth diary
Read the latest news from the Prevention Web, published for the disaster reduction community.

* Country profile
Explore the detailed risk profile of countries, including estimated future economic losses and evaluations on social, economic and environmental drivers of risk.

* AR (Augmented Reality)
Activate the camera icon on the application and point your tablet at any of the maps in the printed version of GAR Atlas to “pop-out” further insights.

GfT is fun, educational, and empowering.

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