The KPRC 2 Severe Weather Team and give you Hourly forecasts, or you can look ahead with Tomorrows Forecast and the 10-Day Forecast. Dynamic Interactive Radar and Satellite images keeps you ahead of storms. You can receive personalized push alerts for Breaking Weather, watch video and more.
Whether you’re looking for what the temperature will be tomorrow, wondering if that outdoor event will be cancelled, or needing to prepare for dangerously severe conditions, Frank’s Forecast weather app is the one click way to find out anytime, anywhere.
Features include:
• Frank and the trusted KPRC 2 Severe Weather Team help you plan your day with accurate, up to the minute weather alerts
• Interactive Live Radar
• Current conditions
• Hourly forecast
• 10-day forecast
• Severe Weather Alerts
Frank’s Weather Forecast V6.11.2更新日志:
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