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I want my Sun!

I want my Sun!1.0


应用软件Tags: WANT

"I want my sun!" is an app designed to check the weather right where you are and let you know the best time of the day when you can enjoy some sun.
Is it going to be raining at 10 am, or is it going to be windy? Will it snow at 2 pm? Whats going to be the temperature at 4 pm?
For many years, doctors have insisted in the need of sun in our bodies. The lack of sunlight is linked to significative drops of serotonin (the chemical of well-being and happiness) levels, and vitamin D.
This app requires your permission to use the GPS of your phone to get an hourly forecast for your location. Check the details of the weather prediction and set it in your calendar if that works for you. The calendar will notify you later. Your permission to access the calendar is also required.
This app does not track you or store any of your personal information. We do not collect any data from you or your whereabouts.
We hope "I want my sun!" is fun and productive tool for you. Enjoy it!

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