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Equip: Disaster Plan & Recover

Equip: Disaster Plan & Recover1.7.0

  • 分类:天气
  • 大小:70.49MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.7.0
  • 时间:2022-02-08 05:45:57
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:The St. Bernard Project Inc

应用软件Tags: EC

Equip is a preparedness and recovery mobile app that is designed to help users reduce risk and build resilience before disaster and avoid common recovery obstacles. AT&T and SBP, a social impact organization focused on disaster resilience and recovery across the country, collaborated to create a tool that prepares individuals before disaster and provides resources to support a prompt, predictable recovery.

- Pre-Disaster: Tools, resources and customizable checklists help users reduce their disaster risk and build resilience.
- Post-Disaster: Easy-to-access tools and information help users access eligible funding and avoid common recovery obstacles such as contractor fraud.

- Available in English and Spanish
- Easy to navigate
- Multiple ways to sign in
- Resources are accessible without an account
- With user provided information, app will send push notifications to alert users of impending storms, content updates, checklists that need to be completed, etc.
- Access to preparedness and recovery tips/tools including interactive learning content, videos and checklists
- Recovery Features: push notifications with disaster alerts, post disaster check ins, application for home rebuilding services
- Ability to add "dependents" to your household to link important information and collaborate with them to create preparedness or recovery plans
- Badges that gamify the experience. Users can earn badges as they work through the preparedness and recovery resources.

-The app is free and does not include an eCommerce component or try to upsell users to a premium (paid) membership
-Clear, concise, understandable language with easy to follow steps to prepare and recover from a trusted source
-One app with preparedness and recovery resources for multiple perils
Equip: Disaster Plan & Recover V1.7.0更新日志:
- Improved Google Authentication
- Various stability improvements
- Bug Fixes

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