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Epicenter - Global Earthquakes

Epicenter - Global Earthquakes1.8.9

  • 分类:天气
  • 大小:80.55MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.8.9
  • 时间:2022-02-08 06:33:57
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://seismology.rocks/epicenter
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Jess Taylor

应用软件Tags: picAR

Epicenter - Definition: The location on the surface of the earth directly above the origin of an earthquake.

Interact with the latest 30 days of worldwide earthquake data plotted on a beautifully responsive, rotatable and zoomable globe!

App features include:

-- 30 days of combined USGS and EMSC earthquake locations (10,000+ earthquakes)

-- Rotate and zoom the globe to explore the earthquake and terrain data

-- Available on both the iPhone and iPad in portrait and landscape

-- Comes with a Today Widget and an Apple Watch app (see below)

-- Tap an epicenter for details about the earthquake including magnitude, depth and source

-- USGS reported earthquakes are linked to the USGS website

-- Use the "Date Scroller" to explore the time sequence of earthquakes, backwards and forwards

-- The "Play" button will animate the earthquakes in time sequence; 30 days in 10 seconds

-- Available Settings:
-- Change the map terrain style to one of your preference (6 choices)
-- Show or Hide Worldwide Plate boundaries and Western US Quaternary Faults
-- Plot earthquakes by magnitude or depth
-- Choose the Accumulate or Interval (Daily) plotting style used by the Slider and Play button
-- Select system units of Metric or Imperial

-- Use the Apple Watch app to view earthquake data from the past 24 hours.
-- See the:
-- Closest earthquake to your position
-- Largest earthquake worldwide
-- Data includes magnitude, distance, time, place name and map!
-- Watch Complication displays largest earthquake magnitude recorded from the past 24 hours

-- On your iPhone or iPad, use the Today Widget to view earthquake data from the past 24 hours.
-- See the:
-- Closest earthquake to your position
-- Largest earthquake worldwide
-- Tap one or the other to launch the app and automatically zoom to the selected earthquake
Epicenter - Global Earthquakes V1.8.9更新日志:
- Upgraded to v3.2 of the geospatial WhirlyGlobe-Maply framework, the backbone of Epicenter. This version is based on Apple's Metal rendering engine and so you will see differences and improvements in the way the terrain data is rendered from the prior version.
- Bug fixes

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