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Cute Weather: 天气 widget 小组件

Cute Weather: 天气 widget 小组件2.8


应用软件Tags: 天气

CuteWeather is a cute weather app which stands out from others due to its lovely look.
This app provides iOS 14 widgets that bring your home screen to life.

The features at a glance:
+ weather radar
+ Current weather for your area
+ Temperature, felt temperature and description of the weather situation
+ High/Low temperature
+ Hourly forecast for the next 24 hours
+ Daily forecast for the next 7 days
+ iOS 14 widget of all sizes: small, medium, large
+ every widget can have its own custom location
+ select different fonts, backgrounds and icon sets
+ supports Celsius and Fahrenheit

Offered subscription models are:
weekly subscription for $2.99
monthly subscription for $5.99
lifetime subscription for $19.99

Please note: unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the subscription period your subscription will automatically renew for an additional period. Renewal charges may appear up to 24 hours before the end of the subscription period. Refunds are not provided if a subscription is canceled before the end of the period.

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These awesome icons are provided by Flaticon
Cute Weather: 天气 widget 小组件 V2.8更新日志:
+ customize your home screen with thousands of widgets
+ reach out to us: customer service 24/7

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本站网友:lululake在2021-12-15 08:26:49回复:Cute Weather: 天气 widget 小组件,我只是点进去看了一下 已经让我评了三次分了 无语
本站网友:言了二在2021-12-10 05:12:26回复:吃相太难看,好??
本站网友:521886bb在2021-06-27 18:37:06回复:好,没广告真好呀,哈哈哈哈
本站网友:Rose?在2020-12-02 20:13:54回复:没广告真好,难得难得,为什么 那个天气原始皮肤显示不出来啦
本站网友:chrysa.x在2020-12-02 10:49:24回复:天气皮肤,换任何一个原始皮肤都要收费这是要怎样?!太差劲了,原始皮肤本身就是花钱买的好不好!
本站网友:冈本卡门在2020-11-27 02:44:28回复:怎么全部都要收费了?差差差!!,只要修改就要收费 负分滚粗
本站网友:daldevv在2020-11-21 07:26:30回复:花钱买的 现在里面全部收费,如何看其他地方的天气
本站网友:MegaRange在2020-11-10 02:12:06回复:查询,Updates make this app fat and bad. It’s not cute and simple anymore, so get out now.Not even worth 1 CNY.Betraying your customers makes you low.
本站网友:小鸭吱在2020-11-08 08:11:52回复:Just uninstalled.,老是会有bug 可能国内没有适配好
本站网友:recyou在2020-11-06 00:35:10回复:还行吧,真的更新完 ,所有锁定了。要想解锁。一周12块或者完全解锁七八十元。 真棒
本站网友:匿名dorimi在2020-11-04 05:25:50回复:变样了 听安利的别来买,更新完之后小组件不会随着天气的变化和时间的变化自己变颜色了,希望变回原来的样子!!!
本站网友:晨晚晚在2020-11-03 23:29:26回复:更新出现了什么问题??,你真棒
本站网友:jerry 八两在2020-11-01 18:45:52回复:感谢改回来了~,更新完全是收费项目,页面也难看
本站网友:苹果生活在2020-10-31 16:20:55回复:1.10版本垃圾,想要原版的,你这更新完挺恶心呀,不好看不说,想要原版的天气小图标还得花钱
本站网友:尊小樽在2020-10-08 20:24:12回复:真恶心,界面还行 小组件不现实是什么鬼
本站网友:嵘书在2020-09-22 10:35:38回复:小组件,就是一个系统天气皮肤而已……
本站网友:伍拾玖在2020-09-22 04:37:08回复:排行榜第一全靠刷吗?,很简单可爱的天气app,如果能换字体就更好了~
本站网友:做好男人未遂在2020-09-21 00:25:27回复:很可爱呀呀呀,花了1块钱,打都打不开!!!


Cute Weather: 天气 widget 小组件

Cute Weather: 天气 widget 小组件 Android下载

Cute Weather: 天气 widget 小组件 mac下载


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