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Adventure Pack

Adventure Pack1.9.2

  • 分类:贴纸
  • 大小:1.69MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.9.2
  • 时间:2022-01-14 04:45:26
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.akrondesignanddevelopment.com
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Akron Design and Development Limited


We love playing Dungeon and Dragons, Pathfinder and other tabletop RPGs with our friends. So we have been making Sword and Sorcery iMessenger stickers for our friends and for you and your friends to use.

Adventure Pack offers over 25 free 8 bit style stickers of some of our favorite characters, some are even animated. So, if you are looking for fun stickers of: Fighters, Rangers, Wizards, Rouges, Barrels, weird Eye Ball Monsters, Bearfolk, Green People, snakes, of course Goblins, rats, fire, Skeletons, and Barbarians. We got those.

Also, if you like GIFS, weve got animated stickers of: Weresharks (its kind of like a man mixed with a shark), Weregators (half-man mixed with an alligator), Trolls, Ropers, Flaming Skulls, Invisible Wizards, Cyclopes, Owlbears, and a Green Eyeball Monster.

So if you love playing some good old fashion tabletop pen and paper d&d you need these stickers.

And all of it is for Free!!!
Adventure Pack V1.9.2更新日志:
What's new you ask, Food and Drink, that what's new! We have been hard at work with a related project and we figured we should share the work with you. So we give you ALE! Plus, steak and chicken (we do need to eat more vegetables though). We hope this holds you over until there are more stickers of wizards, elves, fighters, monsters, and ghouls.

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