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  • 分类:体育
  • 大小:105.58MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.29.2
  • 时间:2022-02-08 04:29:57
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:INSEP

应用软件Tags: 360

The Athlete360 application allows your athletes to easily engage with the Smartabase human performance platform. The application allows you to :

- Easy data entry for athletes
- Transmission of knowledge and feedback to athletes
- Remind athletes to enter data
- Information sharing between coaches and athletes

SMARTABASE is a complete athlete data management platform that can streamline your high performance model and change the way you do things:

- Injury prevention and return to play ;
- performance maximization; and
- Improve communication.

Smartabase is developed by Fusion Sport, a world leader in human performance software. Our customers include national sports federations, Olympic committees, the military and many of the worlds most prestigious sports teams.

The Athlete360 application is free for all athletes who are part of a client organization. In order to use the application, you must have a Smartabase site login ID provided by your administrator.

This application integrates with the Apple Health application. This feature must be enabled by your Smartabase administrator. If you have access to it, you will be able to activate it in the Health application menu in the application settings. Once activated, the application will automatically download your Apple Health data to your Smartabase site. There, your Apple Health data will appear next to your manual entries. You can control which data will be accessible using Apple Health permissions. The following information can be downloaded:

- Active Energy
- Distance cycled
- Environmental noise levels
- Mounted flights
- Heart rate
- Heart rate variability
- Menstruations
- Detailed minutes
- Energy at rest
- Resting heart rate
- Sleep analysis
- Steps
- Walking distance + running distance
- Trainings
Athlete360 V1.29.2更新日志:
The latest update includes:
- Better handling of database fields while offline.
- Improved OTA app updates.
- Fixed a bug when adding a new row to a table that had the first field as a calculation.
- Prevented Apple Health integration from having new manual entries.
- Fixed a bug where the app would think the user didn't belong to any Athlete groups.

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