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CIA : Operation Ajax the Interactive Graphic Novel for iPad

CIA : Operation Ajax the Interactive Graphic Novel for iPad3.0

  • 分类:图书
  • 大小:533.96MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:3.0
  • 时间:2022-02-01 10:31:14
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://operationajax.com
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Cognito Comics

应用软件Tags: operaipadTI

"One of the coolest media experiences Ive seen on the iPad" --New York Times

"You can just see the story. You can dig down deeper and see the actual CIA documents. You can identify with people in it. And you can learn about a fledgeling democracy."
--Amy Goodman, DemocracyNow

"The content dynamically recomposes itself as you change panels -- the music slightly alters, as do the images. It creates a film-like setting that aims to enhance the experience without interfering with the reading." --Huffington Post


* Finalist - Flurry App Spotlight Awards - more than 700 apps submitted
..."we were blown by your layout of content, and believe all magazines should take lessons from you guys. The interactivity was amazing."

* Finalist 148Apps Best App Ever Awards - Comic Category - over 1.5 million votes cast

* Top Three Mobile Apps Showdown - CES 2012

* FWA Mobile App Of The Day (MOTD) Award for 26th January 2012.

Story Description:

Cognito is proud to present, in collaboration with best-selling author Stephen Kinzer, the true life spy thriller, CIA: Operation Ajax. As the value of oil explodes in world markets, global power brokers begin to take interest in the ruling political regimes of the Middle East. In Iran, British agents have controlled oil exports for a generation. The shah is holding on to a shaky peace as a new charismatic leader enters the scene. Secret deals, underground rumors of revolt, and dark plots of government overthrow are employed by American, British, and Persian agents. Irans oil would flow, by any means necessary. Every actor has a stake in the game. No one can be trusted. Nothing is as it seems.

Learn about the incredible true history of the CIA plot to stage a coup of Irans government. Recently declassified documents, historic photos, and video film reels from the era are embedded into the story. See Eisenhower, Churchill, the Dulles brothers, Mossadegh, and the Shah in a whole new light.

Watch the Operation Ajax trailer at operationajax.com!

Technical Specs:

CIA : Operation Ajax is a revolutionary new way to experience a graphic novel. Combining subtle animation with a full film score, the story unfolds in a groundbreaking cinematic reading experience.

- 210 page interactive comic with sound and animation
- 22 character dossiers loaded with historical photos and notes
- 9 historical newsreel videos
- Authentic CIA documents
- Extra content embedded throughout.

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CIA : Operation Ajax the Interactive Graphic Novel for iPad V3.0更新日志:
- Bookmarking remembers your last page.
- Better community interaction capabilities.
- Improved Credits
- Refined animation and sound

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本站网友:TobyP!nk在2014-07-27 17:45:19回复:CIA : Operation Ajax the Interactive Graphic Novel for iPad,看过的最震撼的电子书!!!强烈推荐
本站网友:Qwertfgfgfgfgfgfhddhhdjd在2014-01-15 04:35:58回复:超赞!!,A very impressive one!
本站网友:怪盗基德大人在2013-06-25 22:21:48回复:Remark,Perfect!希望出中文的,我看不懂呀
本站网友:Lisa有多懒在2012-02-01 17:52:11回复:太好了,绝对的五星!如果漫画或者电子书都这么出版,牛气大了~
本站网友:一日之寒在2011-12-22 11:06:57回复:五星,强烈推荐噢
本站网友:Jerryqin78在2011-12-12 01:19:56回复:这已不仅仅是电子书了,Very impressive
本站网友:wuzeyou在2011-11-18 22:12:02回复:Good,未来的书
本站网友:montvita在2011-11-18 22:08:56回复:这才是电子书该有的样子!,电子化的体验,感觉有些不太真实,太漫画了,太NB了,有一种交互式游戏的感觉
本站网友:冬天的林子在2011-11-18 07:37:12回复:NB,该如何定义这类图书类型呢?这种阅读体验是纸质书所无法给予的,期待有中文版的。


CIA : Operation Ajax the Interactive Graphic Novel for iPad

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