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  • 分类:图书
  • 大小:16.59MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.1.0
  • 时间:2022-04-25 03:49:43
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Korean Alive, LLC

应用软件Tags: 文字字母

Learning how to read Korean letters made easy.

零障礙韓文快速發音法. Start learning immediately. The app is designed not to have any instructions in any language, yet you will learn how to read Korean letters as you follow through 19 chapters. It shows you (not tells you) the underlying logic and also helps you memorize them for good.

Many picture pages - See and try to guess how Korean letters can be used to write the sound of what you know in other languages. It is really fun. These words are also used by Koreans in South Korea as-is, so you get to learn 70+ words for free.

Test yourself when you go to a Korean restaurant and face the menu. Test yourself with your favorite Korean song lyrics. You will be surprised that you can actually read them now!

Troubleshooting: when you press Korean letters, it should make a sound along with the visual effect. If you don't hear it, make sure your mute switch is not on. Also try earphone - just to know it makes sound.

Try Korean Letters Lite for free to see how it works. It contains the first five chapters.
韓文字母 V1.1.0更新日志:
Apple 已更新此 App 以显示 Apple Watch App 图标。

Upgraded to 64bit. Uses Auto Layout to support various sizes of iOS devices.
Check [Customer Ratings] - [All Versions] to see 300+ fanatic reviews from other users!

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本站网友:إميليا Amelia 左耳小亚在2015-12-19 13:51:49回复:韓文字母,画面简洁明了,发音清晰好听,遵循记忆规律,重视复现,真心挺好用的!也不是很贵,要学就学完嘛~支持(ᵒ̤̑₀̑ᵒ̤̑)哦
本站网友:1250020708在2015-04-18 19:39:21回复:高效快速,东西很有用!非常好,很有帮助
本站网友:呆呆呆呆呆呆毛在2014-12-15 15:12:58回复:东西很有用!非常好,很有帮助,前几天同时在中国商店和日本商店找学韩文发音拼写的app下载了好几个,发现这是发音最好、教得最好的一个(通过不断反复记忆字形相近的字达到快速记忆啊)。总之3天把lite都学完记牢了刚才一手抽就把完整版给买了_(:3」∠)_ 虽然这app两年多没更新了也不知道还有没人会来下载但是这个真的很不错呢~开发人员也加油~Fighting! (虽然两边是一样的评论但是我不是托啊真不是!?)
本站网友:Li42222在2013-11-11 15:27:15回复:这app真心学很快_(:3」∠)_,Great app for studying the pronunciation of Hangul. Each letter comes out so many times so that i feel easy to memorize them.
本站网友:爵士心情在2012-12-10 07:14:45回复:Great app,循序渐进的学习软件,我用一天很快的走完整个软件,的确很有帮助,但的确很多发音分不清楚,不知是韩文本身的问题,还是软件录音的问题。
本站网友:cocoliu22在2012-05-23 00:46:12回复:很好用的App,但部份发音的确分不清楚,不是很完整!要是在完整就好啦!出錢買有點浪費



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