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My Recipes +

My Recipes +3.2

  • 分类:图书
  • 大小:8.32MB
  • 语言:EN, IT
  • 版本:3.2
  • 时间:2022-01-05 17:42:30
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Valgy


"My Recipes" is the most comprehensive app for managing your favourite recipes!

Save and organise your recipes by category. You can set as many categories as you like and choose the name, image and order. Do you want to display desserts first and then pasta dishes? No problem!

- Add a recipe, choose the name and link it to a category. You can enter as many fields as you like and they can all be customised. Unused fields are not displayed, so they do not bother you and the display is easier to read.
- You can add a link to an internet page, to save online recipes.
- You can save one or more photos for recipes taken from books and magazines.
- You can link recipes with each other. Thus, for example, you can write a recipe for a tart and link it to the recipe for short crust pastry, importing (if you want) the ingredients for the linked recipe.
- Tap a photo to enlarge it, hold on a text field to copy it.

Shopping list:
- Organise your shopping list according to the selected recipes.
- Tap the ingredients to mark them as "Purchased". You can delete a single ingredient (or any list) simply by swiping your finger.
- Share your list by message or email, or copy it to paste it into another app.

- Search by name or ingredients. You can organise lists alphabetically, by category, by preparation time, by ingredient, etc., etc.
- Save your favourite recipes by tapping on the star. They will appear first.

- Send recipes by email, in MCB format. The person receiving the recipe can save it in their own app, just like you, and can also choose a category.
- Share in pdf format, so the recipe can be read on any device.
- Print the recipe with any AirPrint printer.
- Save in CSV format

You can save up to 3 recipes in the free version.
A free recipe is included!
My Recipes + V3.2更新日志:
iOS 15 support
Minor bugfix

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