Explore the boats of the world in thousands of hours of articles and pictures covering everything from the Airboat to the Zille. Our Encyclopedia of Boats contains beautiful HD photos, simple organization and user interface and the most comprehensive information about boats you may want to know.
Our Encyclopedia of Boats can be used by anyone. It can be a kids encyclopedia to help them learn about boats, or it can be an informative tool for anyone that is interested in boats.
We have worked diligently to select the best photos and create content that is engaging, easy to understand and relevant. CHI Encyclopedia of Boats looks stunning on both iPhone and iPad. We have also thought of a way to motivate you to read more. Collect badges for reading different articles or collections of articles. We also made the encyclopedia to be available entirely offline so you can read it on the go without wifi connection (in the car or on a plane).
CHI Encyclopedia of Boats – All Boats
— Boats are included from A-Z
— Neat organization and beautiful HD photos
— Relevant information about boats that is nicely written
— Great for all ages
— Available offline, read it on the go
Simple, intuitive and elegant. With the CHI Encyclopedia of Boats you can learn everything about boats!
Encyclopedia of Boats V1.0.4更新日志:
iOS 14 Compatability