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Elmer and Rose

Elmer and Rose2.8.0


应用软件Tags: el

Join Elmer and his cousin Wilbur in this interactive book app as Grandpa Eldo asks them to help a young elephant find her way back to her herd! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. What valuable lesson will Elmer and Wilbur learn about being different when they find out Rose is the color pink?

Explore the Story:
- ENCOURAGE literacy skills with highlighted narration
- LEARN new vocabulary with tappable words and pictures
- RECORD your own narration & share it with others
- SELECT a scene with easy-to-use navigation
- KEEP kids in the story with parental controls

Designed for children ages 3-8


The Reviews Are In:
- "A delightful read and a good length for bedtime!" - Digital Storytime
- "Good choice for the preschool and kindergarten set" - School Library Journal
- "A short, simple story that your toddlers will love!" - Apps for iPads


Wed Love To Hear From You!
- Please share your thoughts in a review! Your experience matters to us.
- Need tech support? Contact us at [email protected]
- Say hello to us on FB! facebook.com/oceanhousemedia

Official Andersen Press licensed App: www.andersenpress.co.uk
Elmer and Rose V2.8.0更新日志:
- updated to latest codebase for improved compatibility
- bug fixes

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