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  • 分类:图书
  • 大小:79.14MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.0
  • 时间:2022-02-08 20:57:56
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://eleva-app.com/
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Edouard Wakim

应用软件Tags: evael

ELEVA is all about empowering the leaders of tomorrow through a customized academic path. Objects in the rearview mirror are closer than they APPear.
Let’s dare striving for excellence.

Eleva is an optimized student-tutor matching app providing:
• An up-to-the-second relevant and pinpoint need-based response;
• Time-sensitive sessions;
• An exponential utmost performance learning source and stream for specialized skills and cross-competencies;
• Guaranteed access to qualified trustworthy tutors;
• A dynamic source of income for all stakeholders;
• A comprehensive scope of psychometric tests;
• Efficient learning style assessment translating into customized knowledge acquisition;
• Opportunities for tutorees to become tutors and for enrolled tutors to benefit from tutoring in other subjects;
• A confidence-builder in empowering students to take matters into their own hands;
• Equal opportunities for sustainable know-how development and transferrable learning skills.

Enter Eleva: We’re Bringing the Gain Up a Notch.

Student’s Experience.
From the app’s home screen, the user has two options: he or she can choose a tutor according to the latter’s profile or he or she can trigger the Need Urgent Help alarm.
Each session is initially set for 21 minutes, which can be ongoing or which can be followed-up depending on the needs, requirements and knowledge-acquisition rate.
In the aftermath of each session, students are asked to grade the session, thus taking part in the overall mapping and landscape of it all, inspiring their fellow students in reaching out to specific tutors and being proactive in motivating the tutors and reiterating a strong fellowship.
We truly are by students, for students. We truly are astute at the students’ service. We help pace students to the algorithm of their own success.

Tutor’s Experience.
From the tutor’s standpoint, three vectors make up the experience : his or her timely availability, his or her re- sponse to an urgent call for help and the geographical compatibility in terms of province and school system. In other words, a tutor who answers an urgent call has the opportunity to set up and expand on his or her client base.
Of course, for their own success and ongoing stream, tutors need to showcase on other platforms and attract clients and potential clients alike to the Eleva platform, where students can research tutor profiles, if they don’t require urgent help and have the time to do so.

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