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Edwisely - College Educator

Edwisely - College Educator2.0.4

  • 分类:图书
  • 大小:35.3MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:2.0.4
  • 时间:2022-02-14 10:22:27
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Hakate

应用软件Tags: eluc

Edwisely Educator enables educators with a simple communication platform and also access to relevant information at all times. An educator can communicate with students from anywhere and ensure that students are in the loop of all information, both academic and others. An educator can send notifications, share course materials create surveys or questionnaires and collate feedback. It is a powerful tool with a simple interface to improve the efficiency of the academic and managerial work of educators.

The following gives a gist of the features inside the app:

Notifications: You can instantly send circulars & notices to its students and staff

Material Upload: Faculty can send everyday lecture material directly to students.

Individual notice: Each student can be sent personalized notice regarding late fees, attendance or any disciplinary action, etc.

Survey: It Helps in collecting real-time live feedback from students.

Questionnaire: Unit-wise continuous evaluation and assessment of students and analyze the real-time conceptual understanding of a student in that particular unit. The faculty has access to a huge repository of questions which can be directly forwarded to students.

Feed: Receive regular updates on relevant areas of your interest
Edwisely - College Educator V2.0.4更新日志:
- Enhancements in Reporting feature

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