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Edco Learning

Edco Learning1.3.7

  • 分类:图书
  • 大小:20.68MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.3.7
  • 时间:2022-02-18 06:01:48
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.edcolearning.ie
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:The Educational Company of Ireland

应用软件Tags: INGARIN

The Edco Learning app is an innovative and interactive app, which enables students, teachers and parents to access their Edco educational content on their iPad.

The app also provides access to a wide range of subject specific resources and multimedia content, such as high-quality videos, audio tracks, podcasts, revision notes, solutions, animations and lots more. All content is synced automatically to Edco Learning’s platform, enabling students, teachers and parents to access their content wherever and whenever they choose. This robust back up of content for each user provides schools, students and parents with the security and reassurance required for the positive adoption and use of educational e-books.

Some of the key features:

- Fully native app and tools offering an unrivalled e-book experience.
- Online and offline mode, allowing the user to choose whether they would like to be online or offline (e.g. if user does not have a reliable internet connection, they may choose offline mode).
- Automatic device sync of users drawings, highlights, notes and bookmarks to the users Edco Learning account.
- Should a user damage their device or change it for whatever reason, the next time the user logs in to their new/replacement device they have the option to sync all drawings, highlights, notes and bookmarks from their previous device.
- High-resolution retina experience delivered to all retina devices, meaning menus, book content and media are of the highest resolution. Non-retina experience delivered to non-retina users, meaning every user gets the fastest, most responsive, most efficient and most enjoyable experience on their device.
- Embedded video and audio.
- Extensive range of touch gestures supported, allowing user to fully interact with books without any restrictions.
- Unique deployment architecture, allowing all books (including all embedded and linked media) for a school to be mass deployed to multiple devices in a very short amount of time.

An Edco Learning account is required to use this app. Please contact support@edcolearning.ie to request a trial account.

For more information on how we protect user data, please see our Privacy Policy.
Edco Learning V1.3.7更新日志:
Bug fixes and improvements

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