The AR app brings paintings to life in real time. Simply download it to your mobile device and point its camera at one of the AR-tagged paintings to watch the painting narratives unfurl and characters move before your very eyes!
1. Install and run the app; point your smartphone camera at any of the paintings with an AR tag.
2. The animation can be watched at different angles and from varying distance: your camera will register any shifts in your positioning in relation to the canvas.
Ms. Marina Fedorova’s paintings featuring the augmented reality function can be found at, at the СOSMODREAMS exhibition, as well as in the exhibition catalogue.
Visit to learn more about the project.
COSMODREAMS: Art in AR V2.7更新日志:
A new version of the COSMODREAMS AR is available. We recommend that you update to the latest version for a correct operation of this app.
What’s new:
- More paintings with AR-scenarios.
- Better interaction with 3D-sculptures and masks.
- New module "Picture visualization".
- Revamped menu screen.
- Minor bug fixes.