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Garden Gnome Package Viewer

Garden Gnome Package Viewer1.1.0

  • 分类:图形和设计
  • 大小:34.33MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.1.0
  • 时间:2022-02-04 22:57:59
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://ggnome.com/ggpkgapp
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Garden Gnome GmbH

应用软件Tags: ARAG

Use the Garden Gnome Package Viewer to view outputs from Pano2VR and Object2VR using the package format (.ggpkg).

The Package Viewer supports all skin features including pop-ups, projection changes, and videos. The package size limit is 4GB.

To transfer a package from the computer to the iOS device, you can use AirDrop or any cloud drive.

To add a package using iCloud Drive, tap Add Package and navigate to the package file (.ggpkg ) on iCloud Drive.

When using AirDrop, the package will open automatically with the Package Viewer.

To add a package using other cloud services, use the “Export… “ or “Open with...” option.

Once the package is added, you can edit the package’s name and delete it by tapping on the 3 vertical dots or long pressing on the preview image to open an edit sheet.

Tap on the cog icon in the upper right corner to open the app’s settings:

* Change the grid size.
* Keep the device awake.
* Choose to ignore the safe area at the top and bottom of the phone so that the image fills the entire screen. Note that any skin elements in these areas may get obscured or not function properly.
* Hide the close button. The close button will bring you back to the main screen. When it is hidden, you’ll need to shake the device to return to the main screen.

The app comes with a few pre-loaded examples. You can remove these as you wish. Also note, that they are simply linked to online projects, so they will need internet access to work.
Garden Gnome Package Viewer V1.1.0更新日志:
Bugfix for iOS 12.5.x, updated SDK.

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