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Focus And Bokeh

Focus And Bokeh3.0.0

  • 分类:图形和设计
  • 大小:31.51MB
  • 语言:
  • 版本:3.0.0
  • 时间:2022-02-14 23:07:27
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.humansoftware.net
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:HumanSoftware


A Professional tool to create a new Depth of Field with stunning Bokeh to All your Photos...

Focus & Bokeh is used to focus the viewer on the subject of the photo. By adjusting the aperture and blurring the background all attention is moved toward the main component of the photo. This technique is achieved when the photo is taken, but now with Focus & Bokeh it can be achieved easily on any digital image.

• You do not have to use expensive hardware (or software!) and you have the ability to have more control over the final result.
• Focus & Bokeh features tilt focus, virtual lens and a brush area to give focus to irregular shapes.
• Set your area of focus and then select a lens to simulate or create your own by controlling the amount and kind of blur. With the Brush tool you paint sharpness or blur where you want it. It has never been easier or faster to focus your viewers eye and minimize distractions.
• Use the tilt shift option and color adjustments and create fake miniatures in no time.
• Use the planar shift and recreate depth.
• Bokeh is a Japanese word which defines how you control the beauty of the Out of Focus part of your photo. You have with this tool full control of the point of lights of your background and can create in the blink of an eye stunning effects that even pro would have difficulty to do!

Focus & Bokeh virtual lens as you can see on our screen shots an be used in combination with brush masking, elliptical lens, tilt focus. This is making a world of difference in a production environment!

We are 100% behind our software. If you have any issues, questions or improvements, please send us an e mail we will answer.

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