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Animeo Pro

Animeo Pro2.3

  • 分类:效率
  • 大小:46.54MB
  • 语言:NL, EN, FR, ES
  • 版本:2.3
  • 时间:2022-02-05 13:33:59
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://www.famileo.com
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Entourage Solutions


Animeo Pro is an application aimed at professionals using the Famileo solution.

Thanks to the Animeo Pro application, you can send messages straight to your residents’ families’ Famileo accounts in the simplest way.

The Animeo Pro application can be used without the need for your whole facility to be connected to Wi-Fi. In fact, a message saved when you are offline will be stored on the app and sent later when you are back online and close to a Wi-Fi terminal.

In this way you can easily “save” your facility’s best moments with no connection restrictions.


Public message: This feature will allow you to update the facility’s feed very easily, with general information aimed at all the families. These messages will be published on every family’s “facility wall”.

In order to do so, click on “Public message”, enter a text, take a photo and then publish your message.

If you have an “administrator” role and you are connected to the Internet, your message will be sent to your residents’ families automatically, by posting it on the “facility wall”.

If you have a “staff” role and you are connected to the Internet, your message will be sent to a moderation area and must be validated by someone with an “administrator” profile before being sent to the families.

If you are not connected to the Internet, your message will be stored on the app. You should then connect to a Wi-Fi terminal in order for your message to be sent.

Personal message: This feature will allow you to send information to one family in particular. Unlike a “Public message”, a “Personal message” will only be sent to one family and will only be posted on that particular family’s “family wall”.

In order to do this, click on “Personal message”, choose the member of the family you wish to address, enter a text, take a photograph and then publish your message.

If you have an “administrator” role and are connected to the Internet, your message will be sent to the selected family automatically.

If you have a “staff” role and you are connected to the Internet, your message will be sent to a moderation area and must be validated by someone with an “administrator” profile before being sent to the families.

If you are not connected to the Internet, your message will be stored on the app. You should then connect to a Wi-Fi terminal in order for your message to be sent.
Animeo Pro V2.3更新日志:
- Performance Improvement
- Minor bug fixing

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