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Bookari 电子书阅读器

Bookari 电子书阅读器4.7

  • 分类:效率
  • 大小:107.04MB
  • 语言:EN, FR, DE, HE, IT, PT, RU, ZH, ES
  • 版本:4.7
  • 时间:2022-02-21 22:54:35
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.bookari.com
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Mantano
The best ebook reader platform on the market: user friendly, powerful, fast, with synchronized library, this book reader provides unprecedented flexibility, speed and reading comfort.
Highlight excerpts, take notes in your books, listen to them thanks to the vocal synthesis, organize your books and notes, add your favorite bookstores and much more!

- Synchronized bookshelves: Switch between your phone and tablet and always find your books, reading positions, collections, tags, ratings, bookmarks, in their most recent state.

- Supports Adobe and Sony DRM, allowing you to read ebooks protected against hacking

- Customizable Stores section with integrated OPDS browser, and options to add links to your preferred bookstores

- Supports the most common ebook formats (EPUB2, PDF) as well as interactive multi-media books (EPUB3)

- Bookmark pages, highlight or underline text, add notes to a page or to a selected text

- Pin the navigation panel to display your notes next to the text

- Enjoy your PDFs even on smartphones thanks to the advanced PDF support, with lightning-fast vertical and horizontal scroll, Pan & Zoom
Advantages of the Premium version

- Listen to your books with the vocal synthesis

- Customize the display of EPUB books by creating your own themes, adjusting font, line height, colors, etc.

- Find quickly all occurrences of a word in a book with the advanced search function

- Create your own personalized table of contents by naming your bookmarks

- Create your own tailored lexicon progressively, filled with the words you searched in the dictionary

- Edit your book details in a very simple way: Title, author, language, publisher

- Organize them in collections, manage their tags and find them instantly with quick access filters (tags, authors, rating...) or with the search function

- Thanks to the synchronization functions, you will retrieve your organization on all your synced devices and even in the website interface of the Cloud

- Browse the preconfigured bookstores or the OPDS catalogs and websites you have added in the "My Stores" section.
- Connect to your Dropbox, Drive and Box account and select the books you want to add

- Retrieve the saved definitions and the notes taken in all your books in the notebook, organize them as in the bookshelves
Bookari 电子书阅读器 V4.7更新日志:
Apple 已更新此 App 以显示 Apple Watch App 图标。

- Support for iPhone X

- Book pages now fill the full screen

- Various interface fixes for the iPhone
- Endless loop when attempting to sign in to Bookari Cloud with expired credentials
- Random crash when fulfilling ACSM files

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本站网友:我儿子是图图在2019-10-04 23:43:45回复:Bookari 电子书阅读器,when I updated to iPadOS, Bookari has no response. Do u plan to fix the bugs of Bookari for iPadOS ?
本站网友:quriola在2015-06-20 02:55:01回复:no response in ipados,Overall good, but it couldnt turn the page automatically while using the tts
本站网友:Cuprum0在2014-05-15 08:59:04回复:Overall good, some problem with tts,I am really sorry for this. I love this software very much on my nexus. But the iOS version is nothing special. All the things it can do is same with iBooks. Its a good app but not worth 5 euros. The interface need to be redesigned, icon also. Cannot sync with iCloud and cannot use other dictionary making it useless. I decide to go back to iBooks. Hope it will be better and better.
本站网友:在回复:Its not worth for the price.,


Bookari 电子书阅读器

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