Beef Market Central. Your source for cattle market pricing and market reports. Your cattle are your livelihood. The BMC app provides national cattle prices from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and cash prices from auctions around the country.
The BMC app provides national cattle prices.
Hot 100 cash prices
Sales from the past 7 days with at least 100 head
Top 25 cash prices
Top 25 largest steer and heifer stings sold today
National Feeder Cattle Board (NFCB)
Largest steer or heifer string sold by auction
The BMC app helps you stay up-to-date with market news and reports.
Beef Market Central V4.3.0更新日志:
We've implemented a redesigned application flow that focuses on helping uses get the information they're looking for fast! This update also includes optimizations and overall stability improvements.