Kwong Wah 光华日报 - 马来西亚热点新闻
《光华日报》全新改版app,为用户提供高效、优质的资讯服务。为您提供最新新闻事件 包括大马新闻,北马新闻,即使新闻,国际新闻等。
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光华APP让您不出门也能知天下事!让你随时随地都可以掌握到马来西亚的最新新闻动态和讯息。马上下载《光华App》 吧!
Kwong Wah 光华日报 - Malaysia Breaking News
Kwong Wah Yit Poh or Kwong Wah Daily is a Malaysian Chinese daily newspaper that was founded on 20 December 1910 by Dr. Sun Yat-sen.
The new and improved Kwong Wah News app features a fresh design, creating a seamless navigation and content discovery experience for all users.
You can use Kwong Wah App to stay up-to-date on daily breaking news,Malaysia News,Penang News,trending videos and anything you are interested in.
- Malaysia News
- Penang News
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Kwong Wah 光华日报 - 马来西亚热点新闻 V2.0更新日志:
- 软件优化
- 提高顺畅性能