EP rounds - The first social network for Electrophysiologists.
This application will let you share anonymized cases:
* ECGs
* Endocavitary EGMs from pacemakers or defibrillators
* 3D mapping system images (e.g. CARTO(R), RHYTHMIA(R), PRECISION(R))
Ask for advice or challenge your colleagues to solve the case!
Do you have a difficult tracing? Share it and receive comments!
Do you wish to share your best cases in order to teach others?
Add now and share with our EP community!
EP Rounds collects and shows you the last ECG and EGMs cases from the best centers around the world.
Teach, share, learn!
The best way for you to be connected with your preferred electrophysiologist:
Just follow your favorite expert in EP or Devices:
Best Features:
Use the symbol @ to cite a user (reciprocal following is necessary)
Use the symbol # to select which category you want the case should be in.
Then you could search for #SVT or #VT or (I.E. #Rhythmia #Carto #Precision #Sorin #Biotronik) cases.
Share, Teach, Learn.
EP Rounds V1.0更新日志:
Quest’app è stata aggiornata da Apple per visualizzare l’icona dell’app di Apple Watch.