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Eye Chart HD - 视力测试

Eye Chart HD - 视力测试2.3.1

  • 分类:医疗
  • 大小:23.39MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:2.3.1
  • 时间:2022-03-18 14:15:21
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.eyechartproapp.com
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Dok LLC

应用软件Tags: 视力测试测试视力

The most accurate, advanced visual acuity screening app for iPhone and iPod Touch. Over 1,000,000 people have downloaded our mobile electronic eye charts for iOS.

This version is our best for iPhone, and it's now completely free.

Useful for:
- Triaging
- House visits
- Patients who have memorized the office chart

- Randomizable Snellen Chart
- Randomizable Tumbling E Chart
- Randomizable Sloan Letters Chart
- Randomizable Landolt C Chart
- Randomizable Near Vision Chart (w/subscription)
- Line Isolation (w/subscription)
- Amsler Grid (w/subscription)
- Single optotype charts (w/subscription)


Eye Chart HD is a pocket vision screener: randomized Snellen, Sloan, Tumbling E, and Landolt C charts to offer a rough but useful screen of visual acuity. Simply press a button to randomize the entire eye chart, or touch an individual line of the chart to randomize that line. Swipe right for the chart selector.

Eye care professionals around the world use Snellen Eye Charts to measure visual acuity. However, patients often memorize the classic Snellen chart, leading to less accurate vision measurements. Enter Eye Chart HD! Though this unique, pocket-sized randomizable eye chart should not be used as a primary visual acuity measuring tool, it can provide a handy rough vision screen when a chart is not available, or it can be used to complement static, wall-based Snellen charts.


In addition to our free features, Eye Chart HD offers a subscription to exclusive paid features, including the Randomizable Near Vision Chart, Line Isolation, Amsler Grid, and Single Optotype Charts! The subscription costs $2.99 per month of access and has to be purchased specially within the app. Once purchased, it is available through an auto-renewing subscription which will renew each month for your convenience until you choose to turn it off. Please let us know if you have any questions about your subscription at [email protected].

Check out our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy at eyechartproapp.com/termsofuse.

Eye Chart HD was made with the best of intentions, and we hope to continue improving it. Your feedback is appreciated!
Eye Chart HD - 视力测试 V2.3.1更新日志:
Apple 已更新此 App 以显示 Apple Watch App 图标。

- Bug fixes

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Eye Chart HD - 视力测试

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