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圣诞 摇篮曲 - 舒缓 旋律 和 放松 声音

圣诞 摇篮曲 - 舒缓 旋律 和 放松 声音1.0

  • 分类:音乐
  • 大小:36.65MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.0
  • 时间:2022-03-27 00:20:44
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Milan Trickovic

应用软件Tags: 放松声音圣诞

Make your kids happy this Christmas! Let them feel the magic of this fantastic holiday by playing the best Christmas nursery rhymes. Surprise your kids with the most beautiful lullabies and help them have sweet dreams. Christmas Lullabies – Xmas Songs for Kids & Babies app is carefully made for all the caring parents who think that it is very important for their kids to develop properly and have the best possible childhood.

Best app features:

*** Collection of a great number of Christmas lullabies for kids!
*** High quality sounds that will take your child to the dream world!
*** Set the timer so it can play continuously until your baby falls asleep!
*** Unlock all the lullabies and let your kid enjoy these sweet melodies!

Santa is already here, bringing you the best gift for kids! Get this magnificent collection of the most popular nursery rhymes that your kids are going to love. With these sweet Christmas melodies, they will enjoy the time when they are preparing for sleep. You will enjoy too cause you will know that your baby is happy and satisfied. Falling asleep has never been easier, so do something good for your baby and make their childhood and the Christmas time beautiful. Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
圣诞 摇篮曲 - 舒缓 旋律 和 放松 声音 V1.0更新日志:
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圣诞 摇篮曲 - 舒缓 旋律 和 放松 声音

圣诞 摇篮曲 - 舒缓 旋律 和 放松 声音 Android下载

圣诞 摇篮曲 - 舒缓 旋律 和 放松 声音 mac下载


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