英文圣经歌曲 takes 您和您的孩子 on a delightful journey through 圣经 using the alphabet. 每一个字母都有一节经文和一首歌 that all ages will enjoy! 这26首歌会帮助您和您的孩子学习圣经 with ease!
英文圣经歌曲 was specifically 设计 with Abeka 教材 in mind. 这个软件能帮助所有要给孩子教圣经的幼儿老师和家长们。
Easy to use! - Tap to play or swipe to go to the next letter. Children of all ages can use it easily!
英文圣经歌曲 V1.4.1更新日志:
Updated to avoid bugs for iOS 13.1