

当前位置:首页 - 苹果应用 - 音乐 - DJ的声音和铃声。最好的旋律和节拍。 在手机上设置自定义铃声作为铃声,通知,短信或闹钟1.1
DJ的声音和铃声。最好的旋律和节拍。 在手机上设置自定义铃声作为铃声,通知,短信或闹钟

DJ的声音和铃声。最好的旋律和节拍。 在手机上设置自定义铃声作为铃声,通知,短信或闹钟1.1

  • 分类:音乐
  • 大小:24.3MB
  • 语言:EN, TR
  • 版本:1.1
  • 时间:2022-04-14 01:36:50
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://winnyringtones.com
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Slovenka Dimitrijevic

应用软件Tags: 最好的自定义最好

DJ Sounds and Ringtones is amazing application, where you can enjoy listening to the best Melodies & Beats on your iPhone! This app has 29 Free Ringtones. You can by 6 Extra Premium Ringtones and remove all ads.

Get this DJ Sound app that can easily be set as ringtone, contact, notification or alarm.

If you don´t know how to set a custom ringtone on your iPhone you can:

1. Open the DJ Sounds and Ringtones app
2. Click the music icon to listen to a song
3. Tap on the download button
4. Click the settings button then OK to watch our tutorial video. How easy is that?

There are a lot of music styles; Pop, House, Electronica, EDM, Dance, Hip - Hop, Scratch, Rap, Funk and R&B. Now your friends will understand when you don’t pick up the phone immediately because you want to enjoy listening to the best ringtone melodies a little bit longer.
The latest tunes, great music, superior sound quality, all in this incredible free application.

For the best results you need to be online but our app works offline as well and you can have fun with your friends and family.

DJ Sounds and Ringtones was tested and it is compatible with most iPhone and iOS versions like: iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus.
DJ的声音和铃声。最好的旋律和节拍。 在手机上设置自定义铃声作为铃声,通知,短信或闹钟 V1.1更新日志:
Apple 已更新此 App 以显示 Apple Watch App 图标。

You can buy 6 Premium DJ Ringtones and remove all ads if you do In-App Purchases

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DJ的声音和铃声。最好的旋律和节拍。 在手机上设置自定义铃声作为铃声,通知,短信或闹钟

DJ的声音和铃声。最好的旋律和节拍。 在手机上设置自定义铃声作为铃声,通知,短信或闹钟 Android下载

DJ的声音和铃声。最好的旋律和节拍。 在手机上设置自定义铃声作为铃声,通知,短信或闹钟 mac下载


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