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Core Synth HD 电子琴

Core Synth HD 电子琴1.5.1

  • 分类:音乐
  • 大小:9.86MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:1.5.1
  • 时间:2022-03-27 08:00:44
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:
  • 厂商:Core Engine Apps

应用软件Tags: 电子琴电子C

推出未一星期,下载率已突破数万张! 在二十三个国家排名首位的iPad音乐应用程式。 功能齐全的单声道合成器,让您造出最经典的电子琴声!

Get your groove on with Core Synth HD, the definitive monophonic synthesizer for the iPad. With tons of features packed into a small package, Core Synth is great for live performing. A Pitch Wheel replicates perfectly the real thing!

This free app has the following features:

- Pitch Wheel
- 2 Octave keyboard
- Keys light up in different colors when pressed

Oscillator Module
- Dual overlapping oscillators
- Four wave patterns: Square, Triangle, Sawtooth and Reverse Sawtooth
* Select from 5 octaves
* Adjust glide between notes
* Fine tune Oscillator 2 with option to sync with Oscillator 1

Volume Envelope Shaper
- Edit ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release)

Low Pass Filter Module
- Adjust Cutoff and Resonance
- Edit ADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release)

Upgrade to the full version within the app for the following additional features:

- 7 Octave Keyboard
- Octave control to move along entire range
- Modulation Wheel

Patches Module
- Save an unlimited number of individually named patches
- Browse through your collection before applying patch
- Delete unwanted patches

Modulation Module
- Four wave patterns: Square, Triangle, Sawtooth and Reverse Sawtooth
- Modulate Filter, Pitch or Wave
- Adjust LFO Rate and amount

Arpeggiator Module
- Arpeggio moves up to 5 octaves
- Four step modes: Up, Down, Up/Down, Random
- Adjust rate

Many more exciting enhancements to follow!
Core Synth HD 电子琴 V1.5.1更新日志:
Apple 已更新此 App 以显示 Apple Watch App 图标。

Bug fixes

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收起 -

本站网友:zg6262在2019-05-03 05:27:29回复:Core Synth HD 电子琴,好用
本站网友:zyk8888在2017-01-13 19:39:16回复:好用,可以用的东西
本站网友:curious飞天小兔兔在2016-06-21 11:15:38回复:好评,太差了广告多走不好用
本站网友:Falltung在2016-02-20 01:25:54回复:软件广告多还不好用,不好用?
本站网友:pi la pi la在2015-08-21 22:43:42回复:一点儿都不好用,只用了几天就没声音了。。。
本站网友:bxm1990@163•com在2014-04-19 15:28:16回复:只用了几天就没声音了。。。,还行
本站网友:钢琴小手在2014-01-28 05:16:54回复:还行,没多大用处
本站网友:wayl36在2014-01-15 05:40:17回复:一般,没声音,闪退
本站网友:xj0003在2014-01-05 01:22:04回复:不好用,不能用,还要交费购买
本站网友:wzg在2012-11-19 03:54:06回复:不能用,还要购买,在同类中很不错,就是要网络,没网不能用
本站网友:阮棉绵在2012-09-27 00:40:36回复:不错,没有声音。不想给分!
本站网友:小车王在2012-02-03 03:50:01回复:不能用,很好玩的软件!
本站网友:夜无凡星在2012-01-04 02:11:41回复:不错,很好玩
本站网友:羲皇在2011-08-27 09:44:18回复:游戏评论,免费版几乎没什么功能,才两个八度,跨度大的歌都弹不出,要收费就来明的吧
本站网友:pippazlovebjork在2011-07-28 23:33:52回复:免费版几乎没什么功能,用上面的那些钮儿把音色调了,就不知道怎么调回电子琴的音色了,要是有一个重置按钮就好了。


Core Synth HD 电子琴

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