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MusicTT - 音乐学习

MusicTT - 音乐学习1.2.1

  • 分类:音乐
  • 大小:293.63MB
  • 语言:CA, HR, CS, DA, NL, EN, FI, FR, DE, EL, HI, HU, ID, IT, JA, KO, MS, PL, PT, RO, RU, ZH, SK, ES, SV, TH, ZH, TR, UK, VI
  • 版本:1.2.1
  • 时间:2022-06-01 01:03:07
  • 星级:
  • 官网:https://drwjf.github.io
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Jianfeng Wu

应用软件Tags: 音乐学习学习音乐

MusicTT APP中有一个虚拟音乐导师可以随时随地使用。基于一系列民谣和古典音乐MIDI数据,虚拟导师可以说明手指位置,保持时间和关键变化。初学者可以按照这些说明逐步学习如何作为专家演奏大量乐器。还列出了不同乐器的和弦和指法,以帮助您练习它们。这里也提供了一些与乐器相关的工具,例如合成器,节拍器,速度计,调谐器和音高检测器。


With an iPhone or iPad, there is a virtual music tutor stay with you always in the MusicTT APP. Based on a bundle of folk and classical music MIDI data, the virtual tutor can illustate finger position, keeping time and key changes with great patience. Beginners can follow these instructions to learn how to play lots of musical instruments as an expert step by step. Chords and fingerings of different musical instruments are also listed to help you practice them. Some musical instrument related tools, such as Synthesizer, Metronome, Tempo meter, Tuner and Pitch detector, are provided here too.

Open Music Theory (https://github.com/openmusictheory/openmusictheory.github.io) is a public domain, interactive, online text book for college-level music theory courses. To make it easy to access without internet, it is integrated here.
MusicTT - 音乐学习 V1.2.1更新日志:
适配iOS 15

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本站网友:ansonson在2022-02-04 06:56:55回复:MusicTT - 音乐学习,如果能加大提琴就更好了
本站网友:崽崽的昵称在2020-09-11 06:43:19回复:太棒了吧,Thanks to this app, I learned a lot. Its really good. I like it very much.
本站网友:在回复:Very good,


MusicTT - 音乐学习

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