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GuitarParrot Lite

GuitarParrot Lite0.3.5 (2)

  • 分类:音乐
  • 大小:70.92MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:0.3.5 (2)
  • 时间:2022-01-17 20:53:23
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.guitarparrot.com
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:Hineman Music Services, LLC


GuitarParrot Lite is a Free version of GuitarParrot that allows you to try the app with three different scale shapes. Level is maxed at 2, which allows you to try an 8-note sequence using any of the three scales in all keys. When youre ready for more, grab the full version!

You can see demo videos at http://www.guitarparrot.com.

Details from the full version:
GuitarParrot brings the classic "Follow the Leader" game to a whole new place. Your phone or tablet! Choose your level and develop your abilities to hear notes and melodies and instantly land them on your guitar! Why is that useful? It builds your abilities to improvise! If you are a musician trying to learn or write songs, it becomes much easier as you connect your ear to your instrument. As an instructor, this is a game I play with students of all levels. As a player, Im constantly looking for ways to get out of "the rut." This app can do it!

I developed this app to expand the game beyond what a normal human could offer:

Scales - you can choose from 4-note, 5-note, Major, Minor, and Custom scales.
Keys - all 12 keys are available.
Octaves - two octave settings let you explore the neck more completely.
Levels - each level adds 4 notes to the melody. Level 20 is 80 notes long. Can you beat it? How about with a Chromatic scale?

The game can be played on iPad or iPhone, using the built-in mic or a guitar interface like iRig or a similar device. You can also use wired headphones with or without a built-in mic. Bluetooth is not supported. You can even sing to it.

Instead of poking a note on the screen or touching colored lights in sequence, this app makes you play your own instrument. There is no visual assistance, it requires you to play using your ear.

This app is a practice tool that should be a part of a complete program. A good instructor will show you how to apply the scales and notes to songs you may be learning.

As your short-term memory develops, you will retain what you hear more easily and spend less time hard memorizing things!

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