Violin, Viola and Cello!
In our latest release of Accompany for iOS we introduce Student Music including Violin, Viola and Cello! This section in the app is where you will find over 250 verified public domain original (urtext) pieces and original arrangements and transcriptions by Accompany, Burmester, Moffat, Seybold, Schumann-Stade, Wilhelmj, etc. Together with the Advanced Music section, this comprises our own unique (and growing) compilation of nearly 1,000 public domain selections for violin.
Samples of what we now feature in Student Music:
Dances--including Bourrees, Gavottes, Minuets, Waltzes, etc., by Bach, Becker, Beethoven, Brahms, Gossec, Handel, Lully, Thomas, Weber, etc.
Songs--with original titles and versions of works by Anschutz, Bayly, Bouin-Mozart, Brahms, Cramer, Handel, Nathusius, Schubert, Schumann, von Weber, etc.
Popular selections--like Bach Air on the G string, Gounod and Schubert Ave Maria, Dvorak Humoresque, Schumann The Merry Peasant, Bohm Perpetuo Mobile, etc.
Concertos and Sonatas--by Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Seitz, Tartini, Vivaldi, etc.
For a current repertoire list, please visit
These are professionally and musically recorded accompaniments crafted by real pianists. They are high quality sound files recorded from a digital keyboard and painstakingly edited to perfection.
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Accompany Music V3.3更新日志:
When we release new music, you will automatically have access to it! Oh, it's an exciting and bold new world, my bowing friends. We also did some minor enhancements and bug fixes.