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Acharya app

Acharya app14.9

  • 分类:音乐
  • 大小:89.7MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:14.9
  • 时间:2022-01-24 18:10:09
  • 星级:
  • 官网:
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:JETUSA Inc


An All In One Gateway To Sanathana Dharma

The Acharya app is intended for everyone to make their lives more peaceful, joyful, be a good person in life, and increase well-being of people. Learn/listen to character-developing Discourses/Slokas(Prayer is the panacea of all the good, it enriches the inner divine qualities and elevates them to higher altitudes and makes man more perfect in all his endeavors. It removes inner problems like strain, stress, ego and so on.)/Short Speeches/Sloka Learning Sessions/Songs(To develop love towards God and everyone)/Bhajans, and so much more while in commute or at home. You are always a click away from divine spiritual world.

Read Stories and Books in English & Telugu, Swamiji FAQ, Calendar, Quick Links, 24/7 Acharya Radio - Acharya America, Acharya India, Acharya Songs, Acharya Discourses, Acharya Slokas, and Bhakthinivedana Magazines

Online/Offline - All files are compressed and available online/offline. We have a offline button that easily shows downloaded files and filesizes.

The slokas are in English, Telugu, Devanagari(Hindi), and Kannada chanted by HH Sri Chinnajeeyar Swamiji. We have slokas such as the bhagavad gita, aditya hrudayam, sundarakanda, tiruppavai, etc.

The discourses & short speeches are in english & telugu by HH Sri Chinnajeeyar Swamiji & Ahobila Jeeyar Swamiji. We have discourses such as the Bhagavad Gita, About Vedas, Sri Ramayanam, Upanaishads, and a lot more(2000+ discourses). We have short speeches such as Lord Rama is a role model for us, about Indian history & temples, about society, heritage of Bharath & importance of vedas, and a lot more(1000+ short speeches).

The songs/bhajans that we have are Songs For Equality, Lord Vishnu songs, HH Sri Chinnajeeyar Swamiji songs, Ramanuja Songs, Tiruppavai Songs, Raganjali Songs, and More.

Core Features - Trackplayer has autoplay, timer, and more. Playlist feature for selecting your favorite content. PDF viewer for books with bookmarking, horizontal sliding, and more. Notifications for events, calendar, etc. Photo gallery, and more.
Acharya app V14.9更新日志:
Sthotra Ratnam(Alwandar Stothram)

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