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Air Harp

Air Harp4.4

  • 分类:音乐
  • 大小:21.31MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:4.4
  • 时间:2022-02-06 18:21:58
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://www.touchgrove.com/airharp
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:touchGrove, LLC


Get the original iPad music app that has been featured by Wired Magazine, TechCrunch, AppAdvice and TUAW


The Air Harp app does an excellent job reproducing the sound of a harp. The virtual harp has 15 strings representing two octaves of notes in G Major. You can now also alter each string and play it sharp or flat by tapping and holding the corresponding key on the left panel. Thats 30 additional notes! Tap the strings to create your own tune, or use sheet music to play a well-known song. The app includes several pieces of sheet music, and you can buy additional collections for 99-cents each.

Air Harp is enjoyable and relaxing for the music-oriented adult. Unlike other music apps which require you to tap falling dots on a screen, the app uses real notes and strings which makes it an excellent learning tool for children.

***** MelroseC

Fantastic! - I own a lot of apps that I use to create music and design sound, but this is the only one that can put me into a euphoric state while playing it. Truly, you have created something of great value and beauty. I would give it a hundred stars if I could. Thank you.

***** Luddisen

I love it! - I think im going to cry soon! ITS JUST SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!

NEW & IMPROVED! In Version 4 you will find great features for the iPad that our fans have been asking for. Tap & Strum are now combined to make a more fluid playing experience. Plus, multi-page music support for sheet music.

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About Air Harp:

Air Harp, re-imagines the classic lap harp for the iPad platform. Designed above all to be fun and easy to play, the Air Harp offers a delightful musical experience for people of all ages. Strum and pluck the strings for a lovely sound.

Anyone can make beautiful music with the Air Harp! Play your favorite tunes by ear, or choose popular songs to play and sing along to from an interactive sheet music library. The Air Harp includes 2 octaves (15 strings) of gorgeous, high-quality harp tones in G Major.



* The ability to compose and record your own sheet music!

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* Air Harp brings the classic fun of a lap harp to the iPad!

* Great for adults and children alike. Anyone at any level of musical ability can play wonderful music on the Air Harp.

* Easy-to-read sheet music system. Just pick a song, and slide the music under the strings, and pluck the notes along the strings according to the diagram.

* Air Harp includes sheet music for 2 popular songs for free, and more packs to buy. Invite friends and family to sing along while you play!
Air Harp V4.4更新日志:
Ability to access new music packs with longer-form music sheets via in-app purchase.

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本站网友:Poly.m在2013-04-26 21:25:40回复:Air Harp,怎么改踏板,界面根本没法切换!
本站网友:蓝弦在2011-07-11 03:17:56回复:怎么改踏板,界面根本没法切换!,不错的乐器
本站网友:Elian_Yu在2010-12-12 01:53:10回复:音色很好,音质很不错,就是iphone的不是全弦,ipad的是全15弦。。限时免费,还是不错滴~
本站网友:Funpine在2010-11-23 02:09:36回复:good,I cant enter air harp store!
本站网友:在回复:I cant enter air harp store!,


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