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  • 分类:音乐
  • 大小:23.47MB
  • 语言:EN
  • 版本:2.0.3
  • 时间:2022-02-09 05:01:56
  • 星级:
  • 官网:http://airlinc.io
  • 平台:iosUniversal
  • 厂商:AirLinc Pty. Ltd.


AirLinc is a wireless mic app that makes recording wireless audio more convenient and affordable than ever.

No more cable clutter to tie you down. No more prohibitively expensive wireless mic gear. No more wireless dropouts or interference. Use your iOS devices as transmitters and receivers and enjoy features no traditional wireless microphones can offer. Connect a lavalier mic to your iPhone or iPod touch and its perfect for use as a professional quality, wearable mic. This gives your talent full mobility while you maintain complete control over your audio.

And now with multichannel, AirLinc opens up a whole new world of creativity.

AirLinc enables you to record professional, 48 kHz audio on multiple iPhones, iPads or iPod touches while remotely monitoring and managing your recording session on another iOS device.

+ Live remote monitoring means less surprises / retakes.

+ No more fumbling around with checking audio integrity from the device hooked up to the on screen talent.

+ No more worrying about wireless signal interference. Your audio files are safely recorded onto your transmitter device and automatically synced to your receiver device at the end of each take. Dropped connections will reconnect automatically once back in range.

Connect two or more iOS devices running AirLinc via infrastructure WiFi or Personal Hotspot and enjoy live audio monitoring and management with up to 350 meters range*.

Easily manage your recording devices with the following AirLinc features:

+ Remote live sound monitoring for multiple mic’d up devices

+ Remote start & stop recording control

+ Remote gain adjustment (when external mic is connected to remote device)

+ Remote battery & storage monitoring for all mic’d up devices

+ Remote, automated file sync and playback on master device

Using AirLinc saves you time by streamlining the management and monitoring of your audio recordings. No more annoying retakes because of configuration errors. Monitor and manage your recordings with ease to get it right the first time, every time.

*350 meters is the max stable range tested while monitoring audio on personal hotspot. Individual range results will vary anywhere from 10 meters up to 350 meters depending on hardware and environmental variables.
AirLinc V2.0.3更新日志:
- Bug fixes
- Performance Improvements

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