cpu 内存 显卡都行 应该问题不大什么鸟配置又不说,连使命6都跑不了,可以扔了玩得起,相当玩得起,只要不是劣质的配件就行你的电脑配置低了点!可能玩不了!如果能进入游戏的话 建议你开低等游戏效果!
4,传奇外传安装不上提示it may be possble to skip this check using the
NSIS Error The insaller you are trying to use is corrupted or incomplete. This could be the result of a damaged disk,a failed download or a virus. You may want to contact the author of this installer to obtain a new copy. It may be possible to skip this check using the/NCRC command line switch. (NOT RECOMMENDED) 是这个吧,我也是一样的.真郁闷