League of Legends, being one of the most popular MOBA games globally, has a vast array of champions to choose from. Nine-Tailed Fox, also known as Ahri, is one of the most versatile champions in League of Legends. Ahri is a mage/assassin who can be played in multiple roles, including mid and support. In this article, we will discuss Ahri's recommended build and items that can help her maximize her damage output.
Ahri is a champion that is all about dishing out as much damage as possible, and for that reason, most of her build is centered around damage items. The following are essential items for an Ahri build:
1. Luden's Echo: This item is a perfect first item for Ahri since it gives her a significant boost in her ability power and mana pool. It also has a passive that deals 100 (+10% AP) magic damage to the nearest target when she uses an ability.
2. Rabadon's Deathcap: This item is a must-have for most AP champions, and Ahri is no exception. It provides the highest percentage increase in ability power, which is crucial for a champion that relies primarily on abilities to deal damage.
3. Void Staff: When the enemy team starts to build magic resistance, this is the item to counter it. The Void Staff provides bonus magic penetration that helps Ahri deal more damage to enemies with magic resistance.
Depending on the situation and the game's state, Ahri's build can be altered slightly to fit specific scenarios. Here are some situational items that can be considered:
1. Zhonya's Hourglass: Zhonya's hourglass is an excellent item for Ahri when facing a team with lots of physical damage dealers. Its active ability freezes Ahri in place, rendering her invulnerable for 2.5 seconds, allowing her team time to come to her aid or give her ample time to reposition herself.
2. Banshee's Veil: This item is great for countering teams that have a lot of Crowd Control (CC). It provides magic resistance and gives Ahri a shield that can block a single enemy ability every 30 seconds.
3. Morellonomicon: When facing enemies equipped with healing abilities, Morellonomicon provides Ahri with a grievous wound effect that reduces the healing on the wounded enemy. It also provides additional cooldown reduction, making it easier for Ahri to spam her abilities with shorter cooldowns.
A champion's footwear is also an essential aspect of their build, and Ahri is no exception. The following are boots that can be used on Ahri:
1. Sorcerer's Shoes: The most common shoes that most AP champions build, it provides additional magic penetration that allows Ahri to deal more damage to enemies with magic resistance.
2. Ionian Boots of Lucidity: If you're looking for more cooldown reduction, then Ionian boots of Lucidity should be your go-to boots. It reduces your current cooldowns, allowing you to use your abilities more frequently.
Ahri is a highly versatile champion that can be played in multiple roles. Her primary strength is her ability to deal massive amounts of damage with her abilities. Luden's Echo, Rabadon's Deathcap, and Void Staff are critical items for any Ahri build. However, situational items such as Zhonya's Hourglass, Banshee's Veil, and Morellonomicon can also be included in the build depending on what the game demands. Additionally, choosing the right boots, such as Sorcerer's Shoes or Ionian boots of Lucidity, can also make a significant difference in the game. With the right items and build, Ahri can become a nightmare to her enemies, dealing massive amounts of damage and securing her spot as one of the most lethal champions in League of Legends.
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