TAQn.(游戏用语)安其拉神庙; 例句:双语英语1.Addax operates the huge taq taq field near erbil in a joint venture. 阿达克斯公司在埃尔比勒市(erbil)附近以合资方式经营着庞大的taq taq油田。2.Addax is one of the longest-established players in iraqi kurdistan, operating the taq taq oil field and refinery at the centre of a patchwork of oil concessions. addax是在库尔德斯坦经营时间最长的石油公司之一,运营着taq taq油田和一系列石油开采地中心地区的炼油业务。3.In iraq, it operates in two fields in the semi-autonomous region of kurdistan including the taq taq field, where it is sitting on 42.5 million barrels of proven and probable reserves. 在伊拉克,该公司在半自治的库尔德斯坦地区经营两座油田,包括已探明储量4250万桶的塔克塔克油田。
TAQn.(游戏用语)安其拉神庙; 例句:双语英语1.Addax operates the huge taq taq field near erbil in a joint venture. 阿达克斯公司在埃尔比勒市(erbil)附近以合资方式经营着庞大的taq taq油田。2.Addax is one of the longest-established players in iraqi kurdistan, operating the taq taq oil field and refinery at the centre of a patchwork of oil concessions. addax是在库尔德斯坦经营时间最长的石油公司之一,运营着taq taq油田和一系列石油开采地中心地区的炼油业务。3.In iraq, it operates in two fields in the semi-autonomous region of kurdistan including the taq taq field, where it is sitting on 42.5 million barrels of proven and probable reserves. 在伊拉克,该公司在半自治的库尔德斯坦地区经营两座油田,包括已探明储量4250万桶的塔克塔克油田。