约瑟夫·康拉德,1857年12月3日生于波兰,在上流社会的家庭中度过了童年生活。后他逃到了马赛,在那里他曾先后在许多只船上做工。在一艘英国船上当水手时,他只懂6个英语单词。20年后他成为世界著名的用英文写作的作家。《吉姆爷》(1900年)和《神秘参与者》(1912年)体现了典型的康拉德笔下的人物。他们是在一个多少有些疯狂的世界上,进行着单枪匹马斗争的人们。他精通英语,擅长航海。他把他全部的爱都倾注在描写海员的书中,描写在神秘的刚果河上航行的《黑暗的中心》(1902年)是他最负盛誉的小说。1924年8月3日,约瑟夫·康拉德去世,终年67岁。generally regarded as the pre-eminent work of conrads shorter fiction. heart of darkness is a chilling tale of horror which, as the author intended. is capable of many interpretations. set in the congo during the period of rapid colonial expansion in the nineteenth century, the story deals with the highly disturbing effects of economic.social and political exploitation on european and african societies and the cataclysrnic behaviour this induced in some individuals. the other two stories in this book-youth and the end of the tether - concern the sea and those who sail upon it, a genre in which conrad reigns supreme.generally regarded as the pre-eminent work of conrads shorter fiction. heart of darkness is a chilling tale of horror which, as the author intended. is capable of many interpretations. set in the congo during the period of rapid colonial expansion in the nineteenth century, the story deals with the highly disturbing effects of economic.social and political exploitation on european and african societies and the cataclysrnic behaviour this induced in some individuals. the other two stories in this book-youth and the end of the tether - concern the sea and those who sail upon it, a genre in which conrad reigns supreme.