几种说法..再附上具体用时候的不同单词 lord nobility nobleman noblewoman 参考例句 彼得先生被封为贵族。 Sir Peter was raised to the peerage. 对下层民众极其蔑视的贵族们 aristocrats who regarded the rabble with deep contempt. 古代雅典的世袭贵族之一. A member of the hereditary aristocracy of ancient athens. 贵族世袭统治阶级;贵族阶层 A hereditary ruling class;nobility. 威尼斯共和国的贵族 A nobleman of the Venetian Republic. 男爵日本贵族最低级的成员 A Japanese nobleman of the lowest rank. 王公贵族以不屑一顾的傲慢态度对待平民百姓。 The nobles treated the common people with haughty contempt.